



If you’re running an all tube bass amp, a hybrid amp (tube preamp/solid state power amp), or a tube D.I. you owe it to yourself, (and your bass ;) to try out some different preamp tubes. Preamp tubes can have a large positive impact on your tone. I only sell preamp tubes that I feel compliment bass guitar by adding detail and texture to the notes, with nice vacuum tube overtones and harmonics, and a 3 dimensional sound stage.

Choice preamps tubes are the easiest, quickest and most economical way to transform the front end of your amp, giving you that rich tube tone. My favorites are Tung-Sol 12AX7, Electro-Harmonics 12AX7, Mullard 12AX7, and JJECC83/12AX7, in that order. All 4 are great and will sound different depending on your amp/cab and bass combination, and your playing style. We can help find whats right for your specific combination, but generally speaking any one of these tubes will most likely be better than what you currently have, or a nice alternative to your current favorite, if you already have experience rolling tubes.

Current stock is Mesa Boogie tested, labeled and boxed, short plate version. SUPER NICE TUBE!!

• Ultra-low noise thanks to unique spiral filament which eliminates cathode-to-filament induced hum on certain amps
• Best all-around choice and best value for 12AX7
• ECC83/7025 equivalent
• Many OEMs use relabeled Electro-Harmonix vacuum tubes in their amplifiers

Tube Specs:

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